
Having devoted the best part of my life to the study of the English language, I never cease to be amazed at its inventiveness and flexibility. I love it so much my heart hurts, and all the more so because my mother tongue is an extraordinarily unyielding, almost dead Romance language.

Of course it was.

I want the rest of the virgin story. That’s a beginning! A great beginning, but what happened next?

I have long stopped trying to find logic or coherence in religious fundamentalism. It is basically designed to make people suffer.

They’re not, but as women they belong to the men in the family, and therefore may be used to shame them.

As far as we know, rape in America is not meted out by a village council as a punishment for somebody else’s crime. Which is the problem here.
India has a larger rape problem like a lot of countries do, but it’s hardly relevant to this particular case.

As Gawker reported yesterday, Josh Duggar has been confirmed to be staying at Reformers Unanimous, a religious “treatment center” that offers no medical facilities, but instead approaches all problems from a spiritual standpoint that relies on both bible study and at least nine hours of hard work each day.

Sia’s vocal fry in the intro doesn’t do it for me at all. Enough with vocal fry!

After I wrote this comment, my best friend told me he’s getting married in a castle. So much for low-key affairs :D

Why is Meryl so far down the list? I mean, I love Jennifer Lawrence. But come on.

I thought it was supposed to wink at us oldies. I mean, the reference to “The Craft” would go completely over their audience’s head.

The aspiring divinity student told detectives that a “moment of ‘divine inspiration’” caused him to stop.

Let’s face it: they are pretty fucking offensive. I can understand parking spots for pregnant women, but I can park in any spot I want, thanks very much. I’m a pro at parking in tight spots!

Most likely that’s the only sound your kid could make with a dummy in their mouth :D

This is so cute it needs a new word for “cute”.

Congratulations to all the men who know how and when to use a condom.

He’s home, taking care of the baby (yeah: no bueno).

“Fairly feminist in theory” is putting it mildly. This show clubs you on the nose repeatedly with a PATRIARCHY SUCKS lacrosse stick.
I liked it, although I have no idea how they’re going to pull off moving away from New Zealand and to Australia and Hong Kong.

I’m a very methodical packer and always make sure I have enough items to go the distance of my travel (with an extra bra and pair of undies thrown in for safety, although in a pinch you can almost always walk into an H&M and pick up a pack). I store all my dirty undies separately and wrap each pair of shoes in a bag.

So basically she had non-twins? Oh wow.