
Based on my brief experience as a single girl sleeping around (that never lasted long: it doesn't work for me) you don't actually walk up to people and propose sex. You hang out, flirt, go dancing (which is a very powerful fuel for eroticism), and you'll know when it's time to go home with somebody. As for not

So much that's wrong here. Victim-blaming, for starters: being bullied is none of your fault, and it shouldn't be connected in any way on what you choose to wear (because it isn't). Would transgender kids be safe in Aéropostale clothes of the gender not perceived to be their own? I think not.
Then there's the question

I once slept through a fire alert. The massive, extremely loud fire alarm bell was right opposite my door.

Most of it really stays with you, especially because of the episodic nature of the series. You can also do a good round of spot-the-up-and-coming-British-actor, since each episode has a completely different cast. I have a hard time picking a favourite, but White Bear, Be Right Back and The National Anthem stick out.

It's insanely good. None of it is played for laughs.

Men who want to objectify you will always find a way to do it. I have small boobs, so they'll stare at my bum or my legs. I suppose boobs are more uncomfortable to deal with because they're right beneath your face, but objectification happens regardless of shape and size.

I think she is right to choose Sparks as his foil, chiefly because Sparks hates being classified as a "romance" writer and had really rather be put with the "real" writers, thank you very much.

I love you and I lost a tooth last night.

Also, it looks to me like a low-IQ person would have much more trouble processing what happened and eventually getting over the trauma because of their limited capacity for complex thought. It is, theoretically, much easier for somebody who is articulate and capable of complex though processes to realize they have

I'm confused. Did the shot hit anyone? How does firing a warning shot in what was likely self-defense carry a sentence of sixty years?

So a married couple with six kids and a life has an argument. Why is this news?

I love the part where you see NYC women ride the subway in sneakers and change into heels at the office. So '80s and so great.

I think I just died of a bad case of the cute with that last picture.

Disgust is more like annoyance, actually. Disgust is "EEEWWWW!"

Yeah, I know. That's what I told myself, too. But my first reaction was still disbelief.

Should all allegations be proved, Cosby would be America's Jimmy Savile. Except Savile was dead before the truth surfaced, so he never had to deal with it.

Crop tops are already back, unfortunately. (Mind you, the '80s were much, much worse.)

That suit doesn't fit right, it needs to be a size bigger or tailored better. Look at the buttons.

Hair in twin buns on top of your head and matte brown lipstick.

It's probably not strictly an orphanage but a community home, a place where they take care of children whose parents cannot care for them, whether because they're poor or because they're dead. We have them in Italy, too.