
You would get PTSD every time you saw a group of people celebrating their culture in a stereotypical way.

You would go clinically insane. No one could survive that.

Lightweights. Get back to me when they ride nothing but "It's A Small World" for 24 hours straight.

This is how I put it to my male officemates last year, when a member of the custodial staff had started making a habit of cornering female grad students who were working late/alone. "He's harmless! Have you ever talked to him? He's a funny guy!"

Or even if you don't feel vulnerable, those guys won't let you take your turn in the weight room because they don't think you belong there. Or maybe some will... IF you're still in your makeup and contact lenses, or IF you first lose some arbitrary amount of weight, or IF you aren't in the old, ratty yoga pants that

I had a similar conversation with my college roommate's boyfriend. He was angry about 'women only' gyms. I couldn't make him understand that for too many reasons to count, lots of women feel vulnerable being in front of men when wearing gym attire.

I don't know if it's that I'm still feeling so deeply saddened by the Isla Vista shootings of a few days ago, or Maya Angelou's passing, but by the end of this article I was in angry/exhausted tears. It feels hopeless sometimes, because no matter what you say, there are still people who don't believe any of this

Great question! I guess I'll have to go with Cumberstone, so when I ultimately leave him for Idris Elba the tabloids can say "Cumberstone becomes Cumbersome."

What is your couple name? Stonebatch? Cumberstone?

Do you think it's really too much to ask, Dodai, that Beyoncé at least cracks the door when her bodyguard is in the room? HAVE YOU LEARNED NOTHING FROM STEREOTYPICAL TV DADS!?????

I think the BMW analogy is spot on. This isn't an RCT, and there are tons of factors that can't be measured. It totally sucks that a bunch of people with BA's are underemployed. But, here's what some of these statistics don't capture. A college degree is still an entry ticket. Just because you're working in a job

I blame Andrew Jackson.

This was the first photograph I ever saw of her, back when I was a kid. It's still the first image that pops into my head whenever I read or hear anything about her.

Just throwing this out there: if there's no real crime in your area and next to no other races represented in the population, is the thought that, should your town or neighborhood diversify, you want to be able to protect your family against blacks or Muslims?

Babby's First Troll, a review by Macabre Cadabra

I normally blanch at 'inspirational' quotes - especially when overlayed in hipsterish font on heavily filtered photos, then curated with abandon on Pinterest.

However, one that never fails to prove itself truthful comes from Angelou, the now ubiquitous "The first time someone shows you who they are, believe them."

This caused me to have a Twitter meltdown yesterday. It is now confirmed verbally: conservatives believe that victims of gun violence are necessary collateral damage to their "right" to own personal firearms.

I was first introduced to Maya in my teens. At a time when I felt isolated, confused, alone, and conflicted. I lived between two worlds - black and white and the black kids at school didn't let me forget it and neither did the white ones. I felt low and shy and angry and couldn't make friends, couldn't get comfortable

I'm not sure why, but coming across this headline literally made my jaw drop. I mean, she was 86, dying at that age shouldn't be shocking. But I think Angelou was just someone I never pictured not being there, if that makes any sense.

Ohh. I think sea lions may have solved the men taking up too much space on the subway problem.