
I was / am also a nerdy Betsy. Maybe it's inherent to the name. Like how all Scotts are kind of douches.

I feel for her! I heard that one all the time, too. It took me a long time to come to terms with my name.

Atheist now but raised a catholic. The bible is supposed to be the true word of god. No where in the new testament is there mention of a wife. That would mean the bible has been "lying" by omission. But in reality it would mean that the people who decided what writings would go in the New Testament were hiding

Wealthy women bank rolled Jesus's ministry—and it's there in the bible we use, but nobody gives a crap about that.

I could actually feel my heart beat speeding up with excitement when I read sealing wax. And thank you, it has just occurred to me that having children will be a great cover for continuing to go to these places. Then I won't be the weird woman who keeps raising her hand to ask questions like "You keep saying

The neighborhood I grew up in has always has a large LGBTQ community (not to mention several family friends are LGBTQ) so my parents explained to us what that meant at a very young age. I'm pretty sure my brother and I were like like, "Oh. Ok." It was never a big deal. These people are projecting their bigotry onto

"If it does affect my child and his ability to learn or if it causes questions that I don't feel are appropriate..."

Bullshit your kid is to young to discuss that with. Lil Potter is almost two and has two gay uncles, we're already explaining to her about how love works. If anything I feel that I should start explaining to her about gender identities and people are who they are now. Why wait? They aren't confused about these things,

Oooooh, can I play?

When did this shortening of celebrity names even start? Was it with J.Lo?

They accurately predicted climate change- look at all the umbrellas! They also nailed the Great Depression in 1938, when people couldn't afford umbrellas and had to settle for hooked canes to protect them from the rain and wore pancakes instead of shoes.

They did correctly predict that by the 1950's we would all be witches. Gotta give them props for that.

"The art world of downtown Manhattan" = "A space we consider extremely edgy and worldly, which actuality is a new level of privileged white girl navel gazing so high that you actually stop being able to see the real world around you anymore and you gain energy by talking about it as if we're the real world." to borrow

Not the star of The Nanny Diaries and Eight Legged Freaks. That's right THE Nanny Diaries.

I think I might call her Scarjo just because of this. Seriously never did before.

I have always felt a strong and emotional connection to members of the LGBTQ community. It was actually a huge disappointment for me, when I came of age and realized that I was sexually attracted to men. So when my sister came out, Ithought, Thank God, someone in this family can truly represent my passions and

It feels like she's shouting "look at me! Me! Me! Me!"

I have always felt a strong and emotional connection to members of the LGBTQ community. It was actually a huge disappointment for me, when I came of age and realized that I was sexually attracted to men. So when my sister came out, Ithought, Thank God, someone in this family can truly represent my passions and beliefs.