The trophies are making me go through certain chapters so many times. I’m fed up with those robot arms lol.

This game was fantastic. Tickling (and twisting) childhood memories in one of the most beautiful game designs while keeping the blueprint of the original. Fantastic ride.

Spoiler Alert (Everyone reading here won’t mind anyway right? At this point)
Out of the whole last battle sequence the part that hit me most was when the future scenes “disappeared”. It’s like a part of my childhood memory was just snatched right out of me. Red running through the fields, the Meteor, the Aerith

This. I stopped reading io9 after some entitled ‘journalist’ spoiled a major part of End Game. His reply to my b*tching was “Y’all shoulda seen it by now.”

Kill it with fire.

Speaking of realism, you can tell the creators put more effort in important chapters. The beginning of the game, Sector 7 and towards end the details were superb but in Sector 5 it’s like you’re playing on a PS2.

That house was literally hell for me because I did not equip enough magic materia at that time but wanted to beat it on the first try.  I think I had Fire and Ice only and the house kept switching between Thunder and Wind.

They will add photo mode later once more people are done with the game. It makes them go back and play again. Similar to death stranding. I would be distracted from the story and flow if I had photo mode right now.

Someone slapped Totoro on the black areas and I can’t unsee it.

These negative comments are pretty common when something is changed dramatically. People just seem to have a hard time accepting new things. I’m pretty sure Sony has done more ergonomical tests than everyone else. 

This just got me more excited. Love the combat metaphor. I’m all up for new material because in the end it is a “remake” and not a “remaster”. We all know how the original plays out so refreshing some lines while keeping the blueprint untouched is more than welcome. Can’t wait (yes I live in the batch where this game

IT’S STILL UNETHICAL (heart racing)

I was reading normally until the 3rd paragraph started with “Still,” then I just started skimming pretty quickly. The only reason I’m here is because of Kotaku and this is a good reminder that ever since Deadspin got put down, Kotaku is the only site worthy to visit on G/O Media.

This game got a lot of exposure and was bashed just as much. But man did I have fun with it. Walking simulator? Maybe to some people but I actually enjoyed those mechanics and details, something you don’t see in any other game. Platinumed this game and left it aside but I kind of miss it and want to play it again.

And 2 years late to a game XD 

Works with some masks only. The tissue one works if you’re ok with taking off your mask multiple times to adjust the position when it shifts. 

I read somewhere that said SE staffs were thinking how to make turn-base more relevant as the graphics got more and more realistic. They said it would be weird if a realistic looking character stood on each side taking turns to attack. 1. It takes away from the realism and 2. It would be a waste to not explore new

This is the game as you know it, in a different, modern perspective. They are adding original content that expands the Midgar arc drastically, something they claim that the original FF7 wasn’t finished and this is the opportunity to do so starting from Midgar.

Son, FF15 was diced up pretty good. They actually took out parts in the game and like you said, released it as DLC’s. This game took 10 years to release too I’m not sure what they were smoking tbh.

Son, there’s this thing called a “budget”. Games made now and 20 years ago are totally different. Sure they need to print money so they can continue as a company, but it is a smart move to release Part 1 (which they claim equates to a whole game) and see how it goes first before spending millions to finish the whole