Yeah, looking over my original post I could've been a lot more clear. My bad.

I'm not disagreeing with the licensing thing, in fact I kinda like the one and done idea of doing things.

Kotaku: Gun Experts. It's awesome how just because we play games with guns in them, we automatically know everything about guns and how they affect everything.

Hypothetical Situation: My internet connection is down/drops. Does that mean I can't play at all or can I have a lonely journey to myself while there's no internet access? It's not a deal breaker for me to have always online in this kind of situation, but I do prefer to have the ability to be able to play offline if

Why are you so angry about a flag? What are you under the impression that it actually means? It is, and has always been, a symbol of the South. Not racism. While much of the South supported racism back when the flag originated, that's not what it stood for. Fun Fact: Robert E. Lee, General of the Confederate forces

Living in the South, I don't think it's as big of a deal as most people make it out to be. Most people down here (or in Florida anyways) seem to use it as a symbol representing the fact that we live in the south more than anything, it's just a group that people identify with (being a southerner). I don't fly one, but

As far as the cops not arresting him, they look like campus police, which depending on the school may just be regular security guards who have no real power.

Now playing

Don't forget, it's not ok in a three-way.

Now playing

The David Bowie version is pretty good too.

Be right back, going to Colorado.

I do nothing to prepare for winter. I live in Florida.

Moral of the Story: Don't buy things from a game that has "Free" in the title.

I like how instead of going to jail you become dead in space.

#2: "Honestly, we were surprised there is a worse car-themed alarm clock than the ones made in the shape of Hummer H2s."

People still buy those auction cars. I know a guy who specifically goes to auctions to buy cars for people. Either way that car is going to end up in somebody else's hands.

Anybody who actually takes things that come out of J. Clarkson's mouth seriously is just being stupid. Almost everything he says on TV is complete Hyperbole and always over the top or completely ridiculous. Everybody needs to just get over it. Effectively, Clarkson is just being the big oaf we all love to watch, just

If Top Gear has taught me anything it is that this model car is best driven with no doors and a piece of cardboard over the battery to keep it from shorting out or with a wooden gull-wing door and a megaphone to scare away lions.

You never know, with nanomachines and gene therapy and whatnot, anything is possible in the MGS universe.

Hazard Lights:

I'm just waiting for this to happen to me. In this situation I would probably make more noise with my truck and not dignify the other person with any other response other than telling them I can't hear them. I expect they'd probably get frustrated and leave.