@ssp619: Harsh man. I guess bad jokes don't work on the internet either...

Are those subtitles going to be in the final game? If so, I might not wait for the US release...

I don't think some of you guys are seeing the problem with this. This game is not Half-Life 2 Episode 3. It's been a few years since Episode 2, and I'm still waiting.

@Scazza: Yeah, but Combat Cars isn't that close to Twisted Metal or Scrap Metal. Vigilante 8 was also a vehicle battling game, but that was different. What Mr. Jaffe is saying is that Scrap Metal seems to be a bit too similar to Twisted Metal.

I predict that there will be a sudden increase in the downloads of XBconnect and similar software come April 14th. It totally sucks that Halo 2's Servers are getting shut down.

Dreamcast. It's the only way.

Well, it's a good thing it's still in development, eh?

I'm pretty sure that Duke Nukem Forever is the new Duke Nukem Forever. John St. John said they were still working on it. Link:

If they make this I hope they use new material. The Mass Effect storyline and most of the stuff involving Commander Shephard should be kept for the games. Maybe they can do some prequel or something.

@smithy cat: I don't see what the big deal is, it's more stuff and it's free. There shouldn't be any problems with this at all. Plus it helps the company out, too.

Isn't "Day One" DLC meant to keep people from buying used? This way more people will buy the new version of the game so that the company will make money.

Sound's like the demo is available everywhere but the US, anyone know what time they'll release it here?

@Archaotic: You know, family friendly, as in Gears of War, Halo, and Left 4 Dead!

@Chirotera: I certainly agree with you on the fact that it seems worth it. I assumed you meant that it wasn't annoying.

@Chirotera: Since when has disc swapping not been annoying? I thought this was a community-wide opinion.

@Benny: I don't think those helmets are made of Green Stuff, there's a place that makes and sells them.

Up, Up, Down, Down, Left, Right, Left, Right, B, A

Does it matter if one of the guys feels genuinely sorry? He still set the kid on fire.