

Here ya go..

Because it’s completely impossible to reinvigorate a franchise?

Prior to abandoning the franchise all the recent Mega Man games were rehashes of existing gameplay and story ideas, with overall declining quality. The late classic games, early X games, Zero series, and bulk of Battle Network were really the height of the

Shirley you can’t be serious.

LOL, no.

For any who think this is a First Amendment issue:

So after everyone yelling and screaming at me to play this because I asked if it was worth playing in 2015, I ended up getting the GOTY edition a couple weeks ago. I haven’t stopped playing. I don’t eat. I don’t sleep. I just explore the Wasteland and shoot Deathclaws and raiders and Enclave and drink a shitload of

God damn it. 7 year old me could of been a comic book writer/artist! I seriously had no idea this existed. No, mine was like a T-Rex with guns instead of arms and had a jet pack, shoulder mounted rocket launchers, and could shoot lasers from it’s mouth.

Awww, that’s so sweet.

Glad to see you’re enjoying yourself.

You may want to get your cat a new home and refrain from getting anymore cats in your household.

Well, you’re a piece of shit.

Absolute prick. Poor cat.

congrats, you’re an asshole.

Vinyl is outdated and this “massive resurgence” you speak off is nothing more than a minor niche market for hardcore enthusiasts.

Nope, I loved the iPod when it first came out and I was one of the first to use iTunes when it was just an awesome piece of software. I was bullish on the iPhone from day 1.

I bet they shut it down in 3 and 1/2 years.

Trebek, your mother’s a whore.

I don’t think so on both 1) and 3)

I think someone who spent five months on anything and succeeds, it feels like a huge moment, one worthy of celebration.