You could put the picture on a web site and have people direct the lasers. Make a game of it.
With freaking sharks attached to them
Look we all know laser turrets will do the job ok. But if they want real peace of mind then a moat filled with genetically engineered cyborg piranhas is the only way to go. Sure some customers are bound to fall in from time to time, but I think we can all agree that that's a small price in comparison to keeping games…
Shark-mounted, I would hope
Highly trained rancors.
"As my first order of Business here at Zynga, I would like to announce our new project TV! and FOOOOOOTBALLLLLL!"
Not to brag but my meme made homepage at memebase. Thanks for the motivation to get my 15 minutes of fame on the internet.
Upon reading the headline, John McAfee called Mattrick to say, "LULWUT?"
This was, of course, after he ordered his six bath salt-riddled Malaysian concubines out of his vestibule for a little bit of man-privacy.
Another really good one I saw was, "but now who will clap at Xbox press conferences?"
I've seen a man fall down... I've seen a man fall up... but I ain't never seen a man fall sideways!
He should be the head of FEMA, as much as he's involved in disasters.....
I'm on it
It's like Mark Pincus took out a life insurance policy on Zynga's reputation and just hired Don Mattick to put a bullet in its brain.
That is like Starbucks CEO going to work for Folgers...
Allright, I am tired of my comments being in grey, I have complained about it before. It'snot like I am spamming the articles. Please make my account an approved commenter.
Exactly my thought. No wonder XBOne announcement was a screw-up.