
Giving people whatever they want whenever they want it is NOT customer service.

If your space is limited to the point where you can’t fit in a Switch cartridge, I think you might need an upgrade.

“I don’t know what jokes are”

Maybe (definitely) your shit mods aren’t worth paying for, you egotistical fuck.

You being too stupid to use them isn’t the mods fault.

You’re inner cunt is showing.

Kid in NC takes his mom to prom. No surprise there.

Hahaha what the fuck? Hard pass.

You find bullshit that refreshing?

At some point it’s on you to just shut the fuck up and stop looking incredibly stupid.

Swing and a miss.

Produce by itself isn’t a healthy diet you fucking knob.

Bruce. Without breaking a sweat. Are you stupid?

Hahaha, this is the future calling you out on your bullshit. You haven’t done any of those things (successfully).

Mr Clean + ponytail = gay?

Good to see that German sense of humor as robust as it always was.

0/10. Not even trying.

The Wii sold really well, but that piece of shit was FAR from great.

Reading is hard.

Not reading all that stupidity, but sorry your favorite game sucks shit.