
Wow, they did a fantastic job casting Chewie then.

The longer these idiots hold out hope, the funnier it will be when VR utterly fails. Just enjoy the ride for now.

Or a fan could fart out a mod that fixes it with no trouble at all. I’m going to go out on a limb and guess that will be the case.

“I never imagined a Final Fantasy MMO could be so... Final Fantasy

“Arcess” You’re fucking retarded Fahey. If you can’t get the fucking transformers right, what function do you serve exactly?

“I just don’t think” - 99.99% of your problem right there.

How does the jumping work if you’re one of the ultra rare people that play PC games on a PC? Can’t seem to find the right thumbstick on this keyboard.

Hahahaha you’re a gross person.

Yeah, that’s what the word “most” means.

But they weren’t.

No it’s not, but this is not a news site, so it works out pretty well. Fuck off to CNN.com if that’s what you’re looking for.

Unfortunately that refers to an extremely small segment of the population. He’s trying to educate the other several billion.

Hiding in plain sight is a very real thing and works shockingly well.

Still has nothing on this:

Because the last time she went on an active space mission she fucked everything up royally and annoyed the shit out of me for seven seasons about it.

X-men. Did you read the article?

This isn’t a news site, so they probably wouldn’t know.

Overly pedantic and boring as shit. You really are the total package.

Even if JamieUK does have some sort of vendetta against Sony, this is still information the players of that game should have. What are you, fucking stupid?