
Yeah right. I suppose next you're going to tell me Garfield doesn't really eat all that lasagne and Snoopy didn't fly in WW1?

Seriously. He went from cold-blooded and dark to silly with one keystroke. Be still my beating, heart.

I thought that anything video game related made it, but now that I stop and think about it just about every post on Kotaku is at least tangentially video game related.

I was ruined by games that didn't let me un-invert the controls, and now i have to have them that way. I'm ultra popular at parties, as you can imagine.

I think you got the order pretty spot-on there. 2, 3, NV, 1.

That Pokemon game needs to happen. I want to go to there.


I completely stopped caring what your point of view was as soon as you outed yourself as an elitist douche. You don't deserve better. Quite.

Well, you'd think someone, somewhere on the Internet would have commented on it by now. Completely out of left field. /COMPLETE AND UTTER SARCASM

No, your ability to make a vagina squeaky clean makes you douchey.

Damn. I missed this when it came out and now my 360 is in such bad shape I don't know if I can trust it with a lengthy game. :(

Butthurt by what? A random elitist douche on the Internet? Itches a little, but not so hurt.

This guy gets it. :)

Either way, you're a tool.

0/10. You're a sad, angry little person.

You directly implied that people who couldn't drop $60 on a game at the drop of a hat are uneducated. How were we supposed to take it?

Actually, neither of the examples we presented are crimes. Doesn't change the fact that you're a humorless shithead.

The real crime is the comma he used between 'still' and 'beating'.

OMG! That's the real twist: He was lame all along.

Well hot damn! Thank you my good sir or madam! Indeed I was the confused one.