
You're a funny guy. Not worth the excrement you were sculpted out of, but few are, to be fair.

Because I don't like football? What the fuck are you talking about?

Nope, and you sir, are a useless piece of human shit. See how that works?

Nope, never call the police. Why would I? You are a terrible human being, and I'll see you in Hell.


If it will shut you up, I'll throw up a little in your mouth too.

No, U.S. football, while vastly different than European/Everyone else football, shares one important trait: They're both fucking retarded. The WWE only emulates that same spirit of retardation. For some reason competitive sports become less brain-hemorrhagic when televised with some motherfucking pageantry.

Never say never. I'm holding out hope because Rock's scheduled for Extreme Rules. Cena heel turn. Please?

That wasn't the question, you complete, utter moron.

Well that's good. Because you're doing a TERRIBLE job if you are trying to defend this turd.

Gun owners are, without exception, pieces of human shit. That is all.

Exactly. The copies of all three Mother games on my computer agree.

I love Earthbound more than most other things in this world, but I think this energy would be better spent not aimed at the only game in the trilogy that's already over here (For the US people, anyway). Mothers 1 and 3 would be nice.

It was renamed Earthbound when it was released in a second country (US).

Yeah, I don't think "REALLY wanted to play it" would hold up in court.

Yeah, that was a great "sound alike" for Hades. Are you for real?

Yeah, I had to grab several when they were on sale. FFT for $5? Yes please.

I'm not 100% sure whether you're joking or not, but I would buy the living shit out of that.

Or, they realize that, while a great game, X-2 wouldn't sell enough on its own, but would give a nice little boost to X's sales. It's the same reason you get Rescuers Down Under when you buy the new edition of the Rescuers. Same with An American Tale.

He's saying that if you are stupid enough to believe that is not just a promo image, we don't need your brain-damaged progeny cluttering up our world. Not saying I agree. Just saying.