That's hardly worth doing. Snag it on Steam during a sale, the semi-HD remake is vastly superior thanks to modern resolution support. Well worth the price... It's the third time I bought AOEII! :)

All I really want to know is whether you can snag the Plus licenses for PS4 titles through your PS3, similar to how you can "purchase" the Vita ones to tuck away for a rainy day. And by rainy day I mean if/when I get a Vita, if at all. I'm not buying a PS4 on launch but I also don't want to miss out on Plus titles.

Hooray for ignorance and stereotyping! Yay!

Did they ever do this sort of treatment for the Link's Awakening game? Beyond the "DX" version I mean. I grew up on that. But I skipped SNES completely as a poor kid, my NES and Game Boy were enough for me until N64 came out.. lol. So I've never played this Zelda game. But it kind of makes me want to get a 3DS just

I hated GTA 4 so much that I always viewed "The Godfather" as 'my' GTA 4. This is my GTA 5. Grand Theft Auto: Hong Kong, if you will. haha

so freakin' good. and to think I'd never heard of it before getting Plus, actually.

are we talking about the HD remake? Because it's technically modern in that sense

Me too

Craaaaaaazy. And some day we'll see terabyte thumbdrives, I'm sure of it.

Feel free to add me on whatever. I'm Rudoreelsdotcom on XBL though I probably won't get Live again, and RudoReels on PSN. I'll probably be RudoReels on Steam, too.

Saw that one... Very tempting. Those lego games are really fun. Thanks for the info, I just installed steam and I will check it out.

thank you for taking the time to post that. I'll save those videos and may do this in the future.

Cool, seems like a good system for commenting. I'm a web designer/blogger/business owner so I've dabbled with dealing with public forums, trolls, and the like, so it's interesting what the different approaches are.

I only got my PS3 a couple weeks ago so I haven't looked into upgrading...but what's the process like? I assume it's a SATA connection? Is there a maximum capacity for the drives the PS3 operating system supports?

The difference in speed for files that small doesn't warrant the extra costs of adding the new technology, though, is my point. Naturally, faster is better, bigger is better, etc, but benefit vs cost is considered heavily. It's more with big drives in mind I'd assume.

I initially felt the same about 1 TB needing to be a standard, but you make a valid point. Not everyone would utilize it, so it's a cost cutting measure.

I think he means that USB 3 as opposed to plain 2.0 is unnecessary unless you're doing heavy duty file accessing.



No problem, I was originally going to give a standard, snarky, internet response like "these aren't cell phones, they're video games," but then I really thought about it, haha. Was actually a smart way to look at it; kudos.