I initially felt the same about 1 TB needing to be a standard, but you make a valid point. Not everyone would utilize it, so it's a cost cutting measure.

I think he means that USB 3 as opposed to plain 2.0 is unnecessary unless you're doing heavy duty file accessing.



No problem, I was originally going to give a standard, snarky, internet response like "these aren't cell phones, they're video games," but then I really thought about it, haha. Was actually a smart way to look at it; kudos.

As someone who's had their gamertag banned after a credit card issue that couldn't be cleared up (and lost $600 worth of legitimate DLC for Rock band alone), the forced all-digital approach scares me, frankly.

When's the new Atari coming out?

Absolutely... And that's fine, it's just the whole "this or not at all" thing that doesn't sit well with most.

Never; but what you're getting at is interesting.

Because some people have principles and don't like being told how they can use their devices, REGARDLESS of how they already intended to use them.

Good! I mean, what do they think it is, Halloween 365 days a year? Always in their damn costumes!

I can understand the logic, though I disagree with about half of it. I agree that these games exist to perpetuate an acceptance of war and desensitize people, but it's up to an individual's own responsibility to learn how to handle that.

You make a good point...but the correct answer probably is that it depends on your source of internet. You'd need power to power a modem (Cable/DSL) so for the majority of users, no dice.

Epic post

Thank you for that shred of enlightenment.

If there was ever a time where this image would be appropriate...