if the show footage of game-play for this game they would lose half their sales.. they gave me beta access and lost me.
if the show footage of game-play for this game they would lose half their sales.. they gave me beta access and lost me.
Finally i will get to see how many people will be disappointed by this game. Putting my personal quarrel with it aside, i strongly doubt it will live up to the massive hype it has created in the mind of people that as myself was sure it was a must buy before trying the actual game.
that part didnt make much sense after it was revealed that he was the son of zeus. But oh well the BK was pretty strong too. Maybe ares was favoring him somehow to trick kratos into submision.
a demi god killing regular soldiers sounds extremely boring as they would pose no threat to him. Even without the blades of chaos kratos is still half god and stupid strong.
this is my greatest desire in videogames.
kratos can never be fully human , he is the son of zeus he will always be at the very least an extremely OP and angry demi god.
he was never a man , he was always half god and always possessed inhuman physical capabilities. He gains lots of tools of destruction in the games , but his power and strength are his own from birth.
after reading incredibrush comment are re watching the teaser i doubt its a prequel.
As IncrediBursh pointed out judging by the imagery and the things said in the teaser it would hardly point out to a prequel. All that is said in future tense, should it be a prequel it should be said in past tense.
if its not a prequel they got my money. if it isi will have to think about it.
I am a huge god of war fan , however if this is a prequel i cant say im very excited about it.
Id love to play this game at a steady 60 fps. If they make it so for pc im buying this game all over again.
For some reason im not looking forward to games looking like real life.
Skyrim had a story? Thats new to me, maybe i need to replay it....
my bad missed the first summer bit on the beginning
So when is this coming out? Cus this would be a good reason for me to replay mass effect 3 a couple of times
Are you for real.... i seriously ... i just ... i cant ... meh. You know i almost went with another 1 page long rant but you are simply not worth it. Enjoy getting ripped off , have fun and remember always use protection.
the physical copy that you buy is yours and you are free to do whatever you want with it as long as it is for your personal use. It has nothing to do with socialism(which i hate) if they dont want you to own that content without shedding extra cash all they have to do is not include it and i wont qq at all, because…
that sounds straight out of capcom pr department. You still need an internet connection to activate it and the lack of broadband is hardly a problem (which at this point if you are a gamer of any kind you most likely have) it just increases your download time and you pay what you get just gotta wait for it longer.…
it doesnt work because people buy the games anyways, as long as people are willing to settle/compromise/take it they will do whatever the hell they want. However with capcom i dont think it will be that hard since they cant put out quality products anymore (at least in the non fighting scene)