
Most used button ever.

CTE is/was what the BF4 beta SHOULD of been, instead of the glorified one month long demo running an old build that it actually was.

"Battlefield 4 has had an abundance of problems since it was launched last year"

I try not to recline especially on short flights, but of the seat in front of me comes down, sorry buddy but my seat is gonna come down as well.

I replayed the incident frame by frame, and there is a moment where Nico straightens the wheel to concede, pauses and immediately turns into the rear of Lewis' car. This is while Nico's front wheels are still next to Lewis' wheels , so there was no way Nico thought his front wing was clear. I didn't think it was

I replayed the incident frame by frame, and there is a moment where Nico straightens the wheel to concede, pauses and immediately turns into the rear of Lewis' car. This is while Nico's front wheels are falling behind Lewis' rear wing, so there was no way Nico thought his front wing was clear. I didn't think it was

It's a vehicluar hermaphrodite.

Now that I think about it, Payday 2 could use an airport heist..

Except when it is in it's primary mode of drive it's a an Electric Vehicle due to the singular use of it's battery pack for power. Even when the engine comes on to generate power, its still an EV, just an Extended Range EV. Only when the engine is forced to send power to the wheels it's a hybrid.

PC Name: Erm...Desktop?

It's one thing to not know that the AP isn't controlling autothrottles, but it's another to stop flying the plane. How did they not notice they were barely above stall speed and hundreds of feet below glidepath? Nevermind instrument scans (which they obviously didn't do), a visual scan looking out towards the runway

Bengali? That truck has Chinese on it's side. Not unsurprisingly that's also a Manhattan Chinatown address as well.

Wow, this shot of the merge is freakin' fantastic.

It's even worse when you consider how much it costs to get all your required ratings and hours up to even an basic regional position.

Pretty much, which THE reason why I thought the Tomcat got the short end of the stick.

The Tomcat community had a limited budget and was basically told "AMRAAM or LANTIRN, pick one" and they went with LANTIRN. Considering how effective of a platform it was with the LANTIRN it was probably the best choice.

The F-14 was primarily a naval interceptor, designed to sling Phoenixes at Soviet Bears far from a Carrier Battle Group. But as an airframe it is certainly more potent as a heavy strike fighter than the F/A-18C was. Even Boeing knew that the Legacy Hornet's airframe was way to small to fulfill a heavy strike role,

Sorry but is the car being driven on a public road? If so I/you/he/she/whoever doesn't need permission to take video or photos.

Notice the fuselage of the J-10 is nearly identical to the F-16 and it's delta wing variant, minus the LRX and the area ruling applied. Also note the two extensions next to the exhaust can. On the F-16, those were left over from their original design where twin tails were mounted in that position. They now house the

The J-10 is more F-16 and IAI Lavi than Eurofighter...