
I know this turned out to be kind of a weird list (with some non-traditional items), but these really are things we believe in—it's crazy how much of a difference certain things can make.

It's worth noting that many higher/high end IEMs cannot be worn in any other way. My Westone UM3x can't, and my older Shures couldn't either. The Westones even have a short length of semi-rigid cabling which can be molded into shape and then keep that shape when removed.

I cannot believe Mime and iLoome are not mentioned. My first tempered was on my S3 and have not used a floppy in my household of 3 cells since.

And a toilet brush...

Frank Lloyd Wright's Falling Water

you forgot opera.


Sorry No. This involves going outside, where the evil frozen white stuff is. At the moment I won't even spend time in the garage, much less where the wind is. I'm from Mobile, transplanted in the deep frozen north known as Nashville. We learned what snow was this winter and deemed it was bad. Sorry, my garage

Debit cards have zero advantage over credit cards. If your card is stolen and money is stolen, you may not get it back, with a debit card. For that alone, I stay away from using them for purchases. Then there's cash back rewards. Then there's other perks. Just make sure you pay them off in full every month.

I will personally destroy your productivity with productivity tips.

If you are going to look hard at the economic pluses and minuses, you should keep in mind that in many fields entering a program with the intent on finishing with a Master's degree then the cost of the program is born by the student. Most doctoral programs have tuition waivers and stipends. You can sort of live on it

I was just hired at a position that only required a bachelors. It was between me, with a Masters, and another with only her bachelors. I wasn't necessarily viewed as overqualified because my two direct supervisors have a doctorate and masters between them. Also, the next promotional opportunity from the position I

Wow, cool idea. Definitely have to do this, thanks for posting!