
Drinking: +Spirit

Actually, I had some extra 3M on command hooks laying around and a tub of push-pins, paper clips, and rubber bands laying around from staples. I was tired of holding my tablet up at night while I watched Youtube, so I devised this idea. The chain of rubber bands was used to elongate the thread and alleviate any

The only time I have had a Seagate fail is when I saw a salesman drop one after I purchased it. He ran to the back and pretended to exchange it, one week later it failed.

Cool, I have the same bag but with another colour. It might interest some of the readers to know that it fits a Lenovo Thinkpad T430s perfectly. This was a fortunate surprise because I had the bag before the laptop.

I would be alot happier if this was some sort of e-paper display. So much wasted electricity involved with displaying a calendar. Maybe if this had some sort of power-saving mode it might help. At least this concept might reduce the paper waste of the future.

An alternative to this is tinytask where you can also compile your mouse+keyboard movements into exe files. These exe files are great when placed in the startup menu.

I should of mentioned that was my first mistake. I wanted my chain of rubber bands to be taut and you were right the one of the hooks failed but that was prior to placing my tablet onto it.

To support my tablet I had to make at least two chains of rubber bands to make it feel secure as you can see by how much it has sagged.

No.... I was saving this tip for a Macgyver Challenge. I have two 3M Command hooks connected by chain of rubber bands where I hang my Kobo Arc or any tablet with a book-like cover so I can watch youtube videos in bed.

The most embarrassing mistake I made at the beginning of a relationship was when I fell into a fountain during my first date with a girl. I was covered in water. I think it worked out for the best, it broke the ice.

Shoot... I fall into all of those categories.

Looks like a steve jobs style unveiling. Replace one manilla envelope with a suitcase.

so many gears! I think I might look crazy if too many different gear wallpapers show up in a day. Reminds me of the TV show heroes.

The worst are the websites that won't let you change your password to anything you have used in the past year. Not only do I have to create new passwords to remember but they also have a record of my previous ones... my school required me to change my password every year and I kept on forgetting it. over the span of

"DFaHNer89qw373274923iFJDLKFJ#$&$*#&^$#*($!!!98" omg that's the password to my briefcase I better change that.

If you have windows 7, You could always host your own wifi network using connectify.