hot-damn, if I ever wanted a pickup truck, this would be it.
hot-damn, if I ever wanted a pickup truck, this would be it.
Oh, well in that case, what the fuck Nissan? (And they should probably put that in the article itself, if you didn't google additional information or something you wouldn't know it from this.)
Sounds like she's just money grabbing. unless they specifically used her name, they owe her nothing.
I bet she called it in herself to get even more attention not that most of the gaming world hates her.
I honestly think this isn't enough actually, (not on the story, but rather on the names) I think any account that's been dormant for more than 2 years should have all their names revoked back into the pool. It's nearly impossible to find a not-taken name on some of the high population servers, and I can practically…
I agree with this, and not for just cab drivers, anyone who works in a service industry job should atleast practice proper hygiene and smell alright, and cab drivers sit in a mostly enclosed box all day, so I think it's even more important for this sort of working condition, I bet high-end Limo Drivers wouldn't be…
Not sure if it's just my luck or if they already did patch this, just farmed there for an hour and only got 1 blue, and 6 greens.
The current calls for Clarkson's dismissal (it's hard to keep track of them all) stem from him using a racist term for Vietnamese people while filming Top Gear's Vietnamese special.
Fuuuu- that thing is gorgeous. They should have made this instead of that thing they call the Enzo today.
Man damn Europeans, It's not out for another 4 and a half hours here D:
Jeese, it doesn't look that fast, but I can't even fathom how these guy's brains work so quick
Lol. You think I'm a male because I disagree with you? Typical "womyn" thinking.
Lol, go spend any amount of time on feminist websites. They don't want to be treated equally, they want to be treated better, they want rights men don't get, while keeping everything they have because they're women.
feminism isn't the idea that women are equal to men, it's the idea that women are better.
No one plays TF2 anymore, all anyone cares about is hats.
I'm having a hard time deciding if this is the coolest idea ever, or the stupidest idea ever.. It's like.. It's awesome, but completely dumb.. but I want it, but I don't..
That's actually pretty cool. If i just wanted a little car for getting around town, that would be amazing to have
Too much automotive pornography in one post, my fizzy thing is fizzing.
LoL had a story?
As if I would ever give EA money these days. my copy of Sims 4 works just fine