

Hey guys. How about we all chuckle at the boob joke and move on, huh? A jab at being 15 never crossed my mind once. :\

Until HDTVs have no input lag for important games like fighters, i'll always prefer CRT. My ASUS monitor is the sole exception with no input lag. More TVs need that response time.

"You wouldn't like me when my body is ready."

Luke, quit trolling. Just because there's no big flashy show, doesn't mean Nintendo's got no stuff coming.

With Martian Manhunter, the Justice League is truly complete.

Shadow is awesome.

Mega Man must be a looot heavier.

Skynet takes over.

"Next-gen is already here with Nintendo's Wii U... sorry, can't say that with a straight face."

Shut up will you.

They already cured those long sailing scenes. It's called warping to the bigger islands. B\ Don't mess with the speed of the sailing Nintendo, please.

I can't be the only one reminded of R.O.B, right?

The response in regards to "Sony and Microsoft will have more horsepower" and why the WiiU isn't selling (yes we're lacking on games but the storm is coming I feel)... To me it really puts things into perspective as to the mindset of this generation. Why are people slamming the WiiU so badly? To be quite honest...


WINNER! Right here. I burst out laughing at work. No regrets.

The creation of Mother Brain in a nutshell. "Quickly! Get me the world's largest brain, 50 frogs, 10 hippos and 2 crocodiles. ... DON'T QUESTION ME!"

I can't stand behind All The Bravest but that's just me.

Final Fantasy X. Loved by many. Linear as hell. I'm still insulted by All The Bravest, that was retarded definitely. But people blow the fate of Final Fantasy way out of proportion. I didn't see people complain like this when we got Advent Children or Advent Children Complete or Crisis Core. So why now? The internet

Blargh. Would people just SHUT UP ABOUT XIII AND XIII-2 already! Think what you want about it, sure. Like it or not. But for gods sakes how many articles do I have to goddamn read of it getting slammed? Beating a dead horse? Hell there's no bones left we've pulverised the crap out of it.

Every party needs a pooper that's why they invited you. Party pooooperrrrr...party pooooperrrr...

Maybe there is more haters. You see a lot of it around the internet (with plenty of likers aside still). But did you ever think that such vocal hating rains on the parades of those that happen to like the game? Do you like being that guy who can't resist jumping in to tell a group of people "THIS SUCKS"?