
I'm still waiting for Jezebel's view on how Flappy Bird represented the opression of women on this patriarchal society. And maybe some Gizmodo tutorial on how to create your own custom Flappy Bird app!

Chairman Mao has reached his Perfect Form!!

the first thing that came to mind...

Totally. He calls for help and his friend shoots the beast right in the eye, freeing the group but trapping them in an underground structure with no choice but to brave the long dark of Moria as a result. Great minds...

#overheating simulator 2013

what is this

Pretty sure, by most standards (e.g. sales), that the WiiU is the least popular gaming machine around.

But this is better.

Now playing

Play the Spy Hunter theme in the background while watching this video. It magically becomes Spy Hunter.

Google search tentacle...

Something something Sony something something PS+ something something lolxboxbreakingforfreegames something something death.

Now playing

You obviously missed classics such as "My Jeans" by Jenna Rose and "Hooked on You" by Devin Fox.

if the video didn't include the question, you'd think he only stormed off the stage because he saw him holding his fucking phone VERTICALLY

NOPE, local game shop and friend. You're screwed.

Those are some pretty sweet boobs. I'm glad someone is finally making a game just for us guys. Amirite, y'all?

The first post about GTA Online and it's about this?...

Is a creator legally obligated to fulfill the promises of their project?

I miss Black & White :/