There’s not much substance here outside of playing the main game with a friend, which can be fun and helpful to have another superpowered, human-brained player alongside you.
There’s not much substance here outside of playing the main game with a friend, which can be fun and helpful to have another superpowered, human-brained player alongside you.
And I give you a total of zero (fucks) for trying to review a comment on a web forum that isn't going to be taken seriously anyway.
Next day on Fox News.
I'm guessing you've never seen/held a pair of boobs in your life?
Or, you know, not have games.
Good luck with that mouse, it'll die in a few months. Razer products are just horrible when it comes to quality and long-term use.
PAX doesn't seem like a place one would want to take a baby.
well, I worked for a publisher for a few years handling stuff just like this. It ultimately came down to - does it seem legitimate enough to call the cops on? If so, we would, and that alone would put enough of the fear in certain players to get them to calm down.
This video fails on a few levels.
1) Why is everyone American in the video?
2) Why does the video use the EUROPEAN box art for Metal on the NES when referring to the North American release?
3) Why does this video completely gloss over stuff like Metal Gear 2 (MSX2) Snatcher, SD Snatcher, Policenauts, and Tokimeki…
Why? Why does the size of her breasts matter to you? Women have D cup breasts in real life, that aren't implants, while still being fit. She can't be a strong women if she has larger breasts?
Marcus Beer (some guy from Game Trailers) called Phil Fish (some game designer) a dick.
Phil Fish called him a dick back.
The two then got into an argument about who was the bigger asshole
Shortly after this argument Phil Fish quit gaming and Marcus Beer fervently masturbated about how big a man he was on Twitter.
You know what, I'm going to defend Marcus Beer here.
You just freely admitted to being perfectly okay with the number of projects you've killed by covering them on Kotaku. Very classy.
"Dead on Level 3. That's it, I'm done."