
Ever since Watch_Dogs my PC and I sleep in separate rooms ..
I just couldn't look at her the same way I did before I let that monstrosity have its way with her. I kept waking up in the middle of the night:
"N-No.. Stop.. Ubisoft please, leave her alone! She only tried to run the game you made!" .. but every night I

This just made me lose my shit .. and it is 1:07 am .. People heard me and I am like: SIX YEARSSSSSSSSSSSSSS!!!

I honestly just stood there like a lemon during the announcement..
I want them to make a Fable game based on the game-play from the very first game.

gooby pls

Aw Yeah! Leap from building to building.

Yeah, time to record all the new ways to die!

The Police force of Hazzard learned from the best ..

They do .. but we are talking about Slenderman, there are many other stories!
So it must be some kind of very unfortunate coincidence.

This entire shit storm about "Slenderman" and "Creepy Pasta" is only here because of some ill-minded little girl. I still wonder how she stumbled upon Slenderman without looking for it or hearing of it from someone else. If you are 12, you do not go to places where people are chuckling over someone stepping in front

Even though I own all the games. I will still get Remix 2.5 ..

The reason why? Kingdom Hearts is a great series, many hours were spent in Kingdom Hearts 1 .. many days of waiting for Kingdom Hearts 2 to hit the USA and EU .. Japan had it first.. many spoilers leaked .. that feeling when you had to dodge basically ANY

No I know, but those were created .. in the previous game.
Given the needed mark to tell Pokebank "This Pokemon is OK" and bam legit Pokemon.

This is what I meant.

Jessica Alba.. is that you?

True, but people can still make Pokemon with edited stats, all it takes is a small change of number. Which is kind of upsetting.

Vigilant judges patrol the playing area, ready to settle disputes and stamp out cheating. Actual game-hacks were a problem in previous championships, and players had once been required to pass "hack check" before they could be registered. "It's not as much of a problem now," says Official Nintendo Magazine blogger

Dumping Ash is enough ! But I'd love to see a Gold/Silver/Crystal adaption.
Seeing Gold battle Red at Mt.Silver .. damn those rockets.. causing muscle damage..


Honestly I was very let down by Sapphire when I got it.
Coming from Crystal and finding out the lack of features .. people chanting:

"The cartridge lacks the space for 16 badges, It lacks the space for day and night cycle"

Right .. I have no clue what to expect this time around. I just want a Pokemon game with the same