
For the Opening .. something like this .. with the Olympic Symbol instead..
Lighting the Olympic Fire .. :

I guess this is for the player that stays at home, rather than goes out and takes the handheld with him. I did this with my PSP Go .. It hangs on my TV with Component cables .. I use my DualShock controller with it and it plays my digitally purchased games! .. I can see this work quite well.

That would make it close to a perfect thing to have.

If you wish to download something from the Japanese PSN for said Japanese game.
If you buy Japanese Games / USA Games / EU Games .. You are going to have a bad time.

I just like how she looks. I wanted to use the picture.. I am ashamed.
The above picture was merely my initial reaction .. I like the Vita how it looks.

> Knows it is not for him. (Also happy with his current Vita and the games)

I bought a Playstation Vita the year it got released..
I do not regret it .. but I don't see the benefits here.

Yeah .. I didn't even play the clip, I clicked around different time-stamps .. but that alone was really bad. Poor dog.

It worked for her, I really don't see why Quiet would need more fabric.
Unless she's going to wear a bullet proof vest/bullet proof pants(lol)

Not all the games ..

I like her as a character, I like this outfit on her. Yet I still think it is too much ?

I know how that feels .. she's the only person who can change that opinion about us.

Pre-order now and get your very own sleeping shark!

Tho sometimes .. when a certain girl's chest is decent .. they all forget about the ass....ets she has aside from it.

I am a perv too .. but we share the same opinions .. let us be friends.