
Only in Midgar ..

.. A whale paid me a visit once.

I can't stop laughing >< you broke me!

Hehehe nice one !

What did you say about my stories?

.. Damn it, I've been studying for an exam for the past month..

The near future, present day, near Midgar Ruins.

Guess what..?

Best DLC since DLC!

"Ah yes, Noctis, I seem to have misplaced my collection of Swords,
you wouldn't happen to know where they are, would you?"

..I knew it looked familiar!

-Feels so much right now-

-Feels her-

Ok my wallet had an orgasm.. there's money all over my screen!

So true .. there's no topping this .. I have so many different status boosts due to this.

-Starts pulling out tissues and passing em at her-

It's ok to cry, I let out a manly battle cry but it's ok to cry!
It's been nearly .. 7 years .. this is that sign you waited for .. this is YOUR 7th Heaven.