Jared Johnson

Seriously, they should insert it in all advertising.

I haven’t seen the movie, but I do know that CinemaScore is the group that regularly gives Happy Madison movies As and Bs, so I wouldn’t read to much into that score.

This only makes me want to see this thing more.

It looks like the spiritual sequel to the original Saga Frontier I’ve been waiting years for. Multiple player characters with intertwining stories, some of whom can (apparently) join each other’s party.

That’s like saying that when you flip a coin it lands on a side.

Basically, “because that’s how it is in Japan!”

Which can explain a LOT of game-related decisions.

the gig economy claims another, smh

No, Heather. This is Highlander rules, there can only be one.

I think it looks excellent. How could you more succesfully bring Shenmue into the current generation without abandoning its much loved art style and character design? It looks like a Dreamcast game done with today’s technology — which it is. I’m sure my nostalgia goggles are skewing my opinion, but that trailer really

Bullet-sponges as a way of giving a game length is getting really old. This game would be so much better if they toned that shit down.

One thing that I always thought was strange was when people said that Barret was a stereotype. I didn’t understand why. Sure, I could more or less see it in the looks, but his backstory and his devotion to his surrogate daughter always pushed him away from stereotype-land for me.

Then I remember that I played the game

Now playing

Don’t be so quick to mock this man! He’s not alone:

You can create female avatars.....as pictured in the article you just read I assume. :p

I’ll bite. It’s entirely possible for writers at the same site to have different opinions of a game. In fact, that’s healthy to ensuring good coverage and while I can understand the implicit desire to have some kind of united, objective Kotaku voice, I’d much rather trust readers to discern the personal tastes and

Overwatch now ranks players about 200 or 300 SR lower than their “actual” play grade. “We do that to give you a sense that you are improving over time,” he said

i am not agreeing often with you but here we totally align. Like IX is the best on PS1, XII is the best on PS2 and for me the last great FF. The Gambit system was putting me off at the start but at some point i just started to love it. Vaan altogether was the weak part of the game and imho the least interesting

The snarling face made me lose it.

Really? I think you SHOULD include early access titles in your run downs so people are more informed. List them in a separate block by themselves because I am sure I am not alone in wanting to see what games are releasing for early access, especially if you are my main or only gaming resource page I rely on to keep