Jared Johnson

Sean, this article is the most offensive thing I’ve ever read in my life and you should be ashamed of yourself for birthing it. If the word “biotic” is pronounced with an i, why would anybody ever pronounce symbiotic any differently? Your opinion is wrong, and is an affront to human decency. You owe Jenny Slate and

Read the article, dude. Not only is tampering with food a crime pretty much everywhere (which he did in more than one instance with his stupid pranks), he also made the guy seriously ill.

How disappointing that we’re celebrating when this game gives us back something it took from us.

Are you implying there’s been multiple child abusers in OWL? Because the other incidents I’m referring to are like players saying slurs on streams. This is the first one that’s actually criminal.

I don’t feel like their intent with that scene was to jab at the controversy, but they lack the writers anymore to handle it tactfully. They’re making a valid point about the situation they’ve put themselves in, but anybody on the writing staff that could have made this better moved onto greener pastures 15 years ago.

There’s been like three concerning stories regarding player behavior, if we’re being generous with that definition. There’s nearly 130 players in Overwatch League — all but one of which are hyper-competitive young dudes. I’m legitimately surprised it’s not way, way worse. Settle down, OWL is not that bad.

If I find somebody that does, I’ll let them know.

Hmm, sounds like somebody is really defensive about smelling like farts.

You’re wrong. Normally I wouldn’t weigh in on other people’s opinions, but since you’re responding to somebody suggesting that The Muppets was good by saying, “it really, really isn’t” like an ass, I’m gonna go ahead and say you’re wrong and probably smell like farts.

They demonstrate that there’s gravity within the bomber, even after the bay doors are opened up. It’s not hard to imagine that they leverage the artificial gravity within the bomber to “propel” their payload once they exit the ship.

Well, the bombs appear to just “fall” at the same speed and direction they left the bomber from, so I would assume the inertia of dropping out of the artificial gravity chute would still apply until acted upon by something else.

This directly conflicts with the girl in question’s actual statements regarding the kiss:

The Final Fantasy franchise is a hat-tip to every game before it. It’s the reason we have Moogles, Chocobos, Coeurls, and all that stuff time and again. How many FFs feature an Ultima Weapon? Eorzea stands very strongly on its own, with its own lore and its own monsters and races, but it’s not out of character for

Yeah, I think the most offensive thing about his statement is the 15-year shoutout. He’s trying to indirectly downplay the gravity of his comments by reminding you that they were a long time ago. 2003 doesn’t feel like that long ago, especially when you recognize that he was still a grown-ass adult man when he said

I think it’s common for people to invalidate anything that they don’t or haven’t experienced first-hand. Younger people tend to be more vocal about their denial, though older people are less likely to change their mind. I had an old boss who would privately mock an employee for experiencing panic attacks, which he

This is very sad. Both of their best work was with each other, and I’d have loved to see that continue. Unfortunately, it’s an unsurprising revelation that he would risk her safety for his movie. The Inglourious Basterds fire is by now a well-known story. I really want to see QT make amends, or at least try, but I’m

There’s certainly a level of responsibility on the part of the consumer to make sure for themselves, but there’s also a lot of things that consumers should be able to assume is or isn’t in certain products. You wouldn’t assume there’s fish oil on your steak, for instance, or pork fat in your chicken. Or that your

Looks like they’re doing a really great job addressing the complaints. “Nah, they’re just ranting. I worked with Ellen Page.”

I realize this website network is not a hivemind, but it’s really jarring to see excuses made for somebody working with an accused predator like Allen with quotes like, “it’s probably difficult to make a thoughtful statement about a serious issue in the overwhelming environment that is backstage at an awards show...”

This is the worst article I’ve read all week. Criticizing these guys for not talking about sexual harassment in an acceptance speech for an award is the pettiest, most obnoxious thing I’ve read so far about the Golden Globes. This is literally a complaint that these guys didn’t virtue signal hard enough. Stop