Jared Johnson

I'd love to have backwards compatibility on the new consoles, but it's not a deal breaker. Remember that buying a PS4 doesn't mean you have to throw your PS3 in the trash. It probably saves a ton of money not designing the new consoles with the hardware necessary to run the previous gen's games, and they pass that

I absolutely hate offset analog sticks, and it's frustrating how often I hear in games media how this is a "fault" of Sony's controllers. I'm really glad they're keeping it mirrored. And I bet southpaw players are too.

I've come to terms with that.

Hey, look! I found an asshole on the internet! That sure didn't take long.

I feel like, if you're reading this review, it's because you're interested in the game. If this sounds like something you'd enjoy, they're giving you the go-ahead to put your money out there without fear.

I don't get people like you. I feel like you're part of the problem. Sure, Fish has shown time and again that he can't hold his temper. But the internet has also shown time and again that they're quick to call him a "terrible person on many levels," among other things. You can't blame him for having contempt for the

This is unfair. People don't make games to be in the spotlight, or to confront internet personalities. They make games because it's their passion. I'm not saying Fish is right to react the way he did, but it's certainly not right to expect creators to be rhino-hided critic deflectors.

I think the ceasefire only seems to suggest that the massacre and video games have some correlation, which they don't. It would be like not drinking Coke in remembrance of the victims.

I thought Star Trek was already shitty Star Trek.

My default username is KupaMan. When I was in 7th grade, I was really into Bowser. I had a giant Bowser sticker on my binder, and the kid who sat next to me once asked, "Hey, isn't that Koopa-man?" I was dumbfounded. It was the strangest bastardization of the name I had heard. Some time later, the same kid wrote

This argument is always brought up when discussing crazy people or cultist religions. As if to suggest equal legitimacy amongst all these silly beliefs. The difference is that none of this makes any sense at all. Traditional religions are at their core myths developed to understand the world around us, and to answer

That guy was incredibly annoying. I don't want to encourage people whose personalities are ill-suited for civilian interaction.

It's Eve.

This is all kinds of dirty.

This is the greatest tagline in the history of taglines.

At the end of the trailer it briefly says "The Dark Night Returns Part 1." I assume they meant "Knight," but these people can't be bothered with proofreading.

I've been re-watching Arrested Development on Netflix recently, and this tribe would be a fine analogy for Michael's character.

Why don't we get these flavors? Kit-Kats and Pepsi. Hmm.

What's the deal with this, "IF YOU DON'T LIKE IT, THEN GET OUT!" mentality? If the platform is broken, it's broken. If Phil Fish can't patch Fez because Microsoft makes it cost-prohibitive to do so, why can't he complain about that? If Jonathan Blow has an issue with the certification process, why can't he voice those

I think he knows well enough that they couldn't do it justice while maintaining summer action movie expectations. You saw how they tried with Iron Man 2 and fumbled pretty badly.