
In reality, Apple caters to two crowds: Rich people/professionals, and the everyday person. The first crowd may have their interest piqued by the retina display, and do what anyone like that would do: Google specs. The second crowd doesn't care, and will go to an Apple store or Best buy and check it out after

A decent graphics card? You'd be lucky to get a quarter decent integrated graphics solution.

Oh, 5.0.1 to 5.1 was an improvement. 4.x.x to 5? Not so much.

Thank god, my iPad 1 can barely handle 5.1. Anyone wanna buy it? Hah, I only use it for reading Wired nowadays.

Why not just eat some berries?

The reason we're giving you such a hard time is because it says "I'm a PC" right under it.

Some of those make sense - analytical data, advertising, and Facebook for their like page.

That's great - but nobody will enjoy your video.

It's made in Korea, it appears.

Wow, I never thought of it that way!

"In the brief moment of sticking items into the depth of the sofa, one feels a suggestion of intimacy while the warmth of the fabric offers assurance in keeping one’s items safe."

"Friends" is just Facebook's term for connected members, I wouldn't consider many of them "friends" in real life. They're just connections I have made in life.

It never said anywhere in the original article it was a daily digest... It says weekly..

Sprint is a pretty good company for the iPhone - if you live in a place with good signal. Minneapolis is terrible in my experience, it takes too long to load stuff on Facebook and downloading iTunes match songs are exercises in futility.

Or you could, y'know, run it under some hot water before.

This is different in that you can just click a button to translate. Any browsers.

typical redditor reaction to anything

Very funny you say people with common sense are extinct.

You said, and I quote "Start up capital is difficult to find, so I'll stick to pirating until I can afford to give Adobe money."

I am not sure what word is spelled wrong in that sentence. Last I checked, they are both spelled like that.