
I just hope it's better than the last one, which was "(return to) castle wolfenstein"

you could retcon the force-choke into the first death star battle fairly easily, have it just before Han comes in to rescue luke, distracting Vader so he looses his hold and crashing.

when i was in my 20s my parents brought home a Malt flavored beverage called Horlick's Malted. I swear every time i drank some i had nightmares, to the point where i could switch the nightmares on or off by drinking it or not. i think what happened was it put me in the exact level of REM sleeep that produced

so is it reasonable that the reverse is true? isn't the thing that SETI is looking for might not be detectable?

I like. the weather balloon is marked as Swamp Gas.

Why does it look like the set of Thunderbirds (are go).

well, another good reason not to eat fish heads....


I don't see why they can't just remove it from sale, patch it and sell it in their steam store. They should know that games provided via internet are not covered by australia's rating system (only stuff sold in physical stores).

ah, the Tenth Seat, as it was known on our company plane. thankfully i never needed to use it.

now i know where they got the inspiration for the 6000SUX in robocop

@dislexicmofo, keep you genesis for another 30 years, it might start going back up.

What? you think he's from Chernobyl district? :P

"Designing to pass a standardized test does not necessarily a safer car make."
Unfortunately, it's how we test people here for their license (teach them to pass a test, rather than teach them how to drive)

Never tell me the odds....

so, why do I always get the cabbie that doesn't know where the casino in Melbourne is?

Pontiac tried a wagon firebird in the late 70s. not popular then, not popular now. You might as well make a four-door corvette....:P

I'm with DavidLomax. Not only the terrible conditions in space, but also launch and re-entry are going to be extremely hazardous to any lifeforms, even the really robust simple life-forms. How hot does the average meteorite get?

The hardest part would be giving it back at the end of the day?

that A-10 sounds awesome.