
i once heard a stuntman say "the more dangerous the stunt looks, more likely it's safer", as some of the deceptively easy stunts can be more dangerous.

life? maybe likely. intelligent life? not so much. of all the species that ever existed on Earth, only one has managed to make a radio signal readable from space.

it's a good thing we didn't loose this war because a dumb pigeon got stuck in some one's chimney!!

"robotic red blood cells called respirocytes". really? sounds like a pair of gills would be easier.

makes a change from destroying New York again...

it's pretty easy to zone out and not commit your driving to memory, then later wondering how the hell you managed to keep the car on the road for the last few miles. I blame unrealistic, low speed limits.

sad, but Jessica Alba is the only reason to watch the last pair of movies, even if her fake blonde wig looks terrible.

Uploading astronaut's mind.....95%. Connection Error.

Things are bad when politician's own benefits are being scratched!

Which is why beetles are no longer used as taxis in mexico

stainless steel is hard to repair and bondo is a no-no... unless you're cheap. if a delorean is not steel colored, assume it's had some dodgey repair work.

i've heard it said that a product has 'arrived' when the porn industry makes full use of it.

When i read the title, this is what i thought it was about. wait, mechanical bugs? i have the answer.

The joke worked well in Becker (relax, it's a tv show)

so we finally have proof that Andorian blue skins have visited Earth in the past?

I guess it's close enough to the old saying "take a long walk off a short pier"...?

wow, that would really save Falcon (and Ford Australia operations). Do you think 500 cars a month would get the unions in a spin?

"The MKS is nice, the MKT is actually as competent and pleasant to drive "

They need to use that magic photo manipulation software they use on CSI (et al) and they could read the number plate. lol

Never has a car been so undeserving of it's badge...