
Not every hero wears a cape.

And instantly die in a car crash! Imagine driving this car at night, it would be technically invisible, even right in front of car lights.

Well, it is impressive, well produced and even cute…but sexy? Not judging :P Just didn’t get that from this (and I get aroused by almost anything!)

That jar bothers me, it looks like a mayonnaise jar.

Alright, I’ll take the hate. Mad Max Fury Road is not that great of a movie. It’s smart for a blockbuster ‘splosion-fest, but it’s not actually all that smart. It HAS an ecological gimmick, but it doesn’t say anything about it. It HAS a sexist main hero and strong women, but it doesn’t really say anything about

Maybe? I know I used to...back then...when I was young. But I’m an adult now so Pokemon comes first.

how about this

Strong, yet sensitive robots....

This lends credence to the memo that was supposedly leaked by the feds that stated they needed to push for opportunities to weaken encryption protections. This would be a good ploy, get the phone locked and ‘bungle’ the icloud backup so it has to be hacked and then get Apple to 1) set a precedent that they will bend

I’m pretty sure you’re my spirit animal.

I’m surprised it could retain that beautiful blue color after all these years.

That looks like a list of dogs who are attractive to irresponsible people who probably shouldn’t own dogs.

Give it a little tappy, tap tap taparoo.

Mace Windu isn’t going to be happy someone nabbed his light saber... :P

Do you get to choose which set to buy, or do they come packed in blind bags/engrams?

Yes won’t someone think of the sheep’s feelings, my eyes are practically rolling out of my head here man. I mean these guys actually herd sheep and have been their whole life but I’m sure rando internet guy knows better.

“the seedy underworld of Furby hacking”

Hopefully he saved some blood echos so he can level up and get to the dex. required.


Never kills?! Pre-order canceled.