
“He made me feel like I was a drug addict, and he knew I was a physician,” said Dr. Moore. “I was hurting.”

I was surprised to see a semi automatic pistol in the RD2 pic since I thought the game was supposed to be somewhat historically accurate.

So mostly Indie titles then?

In my opinion the Altec Lansing Life Jacket 2 is one the best waterproof speakers you can buy. Not only is it completely waterproof, but it floats as well! It also has a texturized rubber outside that protects it from drops. 

In my opinion the Altec Lansing Life Jacket 2 is one the best waterproof speakers you can buy. Not only is it

If Sony says that this is a games showcase, that’s all it is.

Based on the abrasions and multiple sites of blunt force trauma, it would seam that she might have fallen down the stairs and some point and was dragged to the back yard after succumbing to her injuries. That would also explain the dislocated wrist.

I feel the same way about the Witcher 3. I’ve bought it 3 times and I was never able to get into it. So I know where you are coming from.

Just as a heads up, there is another shrine directly south of Golden Temple that gives a charm that heals you when you kill an enemy.

Actually, that’s the only legitimate legal excuse a gun owner can give when asked why they drew their firearm.

Great deal on that PS Plus membership. Mine was up for auto renewal in 2 months at $60.

Great deal on that PS Plus membership. Mine was up for auto renewal in 2 months at $60.

I’m hardly a collector, but having played the original Final Fantasy VII on the launch edition of the game rather than the neon-labeled “Greatest Hits” copies that were re-issued later has formed a small but bizarrely meaningful footnote in my personal gaming fandom’s appendix.

This is probably the coolest looking vehicle I have ever seen, aesthetically speaking. It kind of reminds me of the vehicle designs from mass effect.

After actually reading the entire article, you might come to the conclusion that she doesn’t feel that the good fight was worth it. Many of the victories seemed hollow.

Horror Story, the Halloween auto rifle, is a 600 light level weapon with no level requirement as well.

Steam only keeps 20% for games that make more than 50 million. So that would be $12.

The Sega Genesis Classics collection was really solid.

Their timing couldn’t be better. Just make it an Epic exclusive and they will hand you a huge sack of cash.

You’re in the know, right?

“BCSO officials told KSAT that Dotson-Stephens had been held at the infirmary at the annex detention center and appeared to have died from natural causes.

The scorpions promised that they wouldn’t sting them.