
I built a barn one board at a time next to my home in Wildstar, now that’s true creative freedom. I wish other MMOs would realize that placing a couple pieces of furniture on a grid does not equal customization.

Dark Souls III: Prepare to Buy edition

Dark Souls III: Prepare to Buy edition

Here’s the link to the original article on NewZoo (the survey company).

I’m sticking with the PS4 version because the controller layout and feedback make the weapons feel fantastic.

I adored Allods. Especially the techno-egyptian undead and the astral ships.

I can tell you why. As soon as ANY team does well during a season, the best players are traded off or leave for better contracts.

Came here for a reference to “It’s snowing on Mt Fuji”

Gender Neutral bathrooms are something from the future?

I loved that game! My uncle had it for his NES, so I only ever got to play it when we stopped by for the holidays. Good times.

time for rolling

It could be worse, they could have saved it as IGES. Then it would be huge AND half broken when you opened it.

Also, it came out only a week after Fallout 4. I have a coworker that is a rabid battlefront fan, and even he was conflicted about picking up a copy since he had just started investing some time in Fallout.

Now it should be easier than ever to get all your Dux in a row.

I tried it early on using one of the free weekly trials they gave out.

I was excited until he said the combat would be brutally hard. Love the art style, but dark souls type games really aren't my cup of tea.

Are you saying the previous camera required more... calibrations?

Hmm. It appears that this zombie only wants to fist bump, not eat my flesh.

Is it just me, or does Marcus Smith bare an uncanny resemblance to Jack Black?

OMG! Blaster Master reference! I love that game so much. Too bad there hasnt been a decent sequel.

Double Post. My Bad.