
RIM are failing so much now solely because of what they've focused on - business. I believe the BlackBerry was one of the first phones to feature email, and that was what kept them alive, until 2007, when the iPhone kickstarted the smartphone takeover. Now that most phones have email built in, certainly the

That's annoying. I thought they would offer a £100 iTunes voucher here, but instead it's £65. Which is pretty abysmal really. I'd much rather get a free iPod with it, even if it was a nano!

There's going to be a market for the iPod for a long time, because not everyone can afford the iPhone (the iPod nano is especially popular among young teenagers), and the iPad is not portable enough to be used mostly as a music player. I imagine the iPod touch may continue to be the most popular iPod though, unless

I love being British! Well done MI6, great work, great comedy.

I hope the floor is covered in Duplo too... LEGO really hurts your feet.

Now we know why there's a shortage of iPad 2s.

I'm 14, and I know that's a VHS. Cool idea, but it may not always work. Then again, my family only upgraded to DVD around 2006, so I'm probably just an exception to the rule...

Don't worry, Mark, they're already on Facebook.

Can someone explain to me why Apple needs to sign all these deals with record companies when it's already on iTunes? Thanks.

I don't like the idea of facial recognition. Firstly, it's unnecessary - a strong password should keep most people out. And secondly, could someone not just hold up a picture of your face, and it accepts it as you?

Hope the workers are alright. The iPad 2 isn't off to a good start with production then... delays of a month or so, only just getting down to a week and now this.

Haha, suppose so. And I guess some people feel they must make some money out of this.

Ugh. This is getting really annoying. The guy who created this idea the world will end on Saturday previously said it would end in 1994... so not really a man to be trusted. It's almost as annoying as the 2012 nonsense.

Hmm... I'll have to look into that. Physics can be rather confusing. Thanks for the info.

I love this, it's so elegant. And, it actually looks like a proper spaceship! Granted, not a UFO, but I doubt they'd actually be that good for flying.

It's quite funny this, because all the resistant materials, product design and systems and control teachers get iPads, along with a few IT teachers. However, most of the time I just see them playing games on them, either that or the iPad is sitting in it's dock. Apparently the school got them to persuade us to buy

Noooooooo... and we still haven't got Vic Viper or Star Wars spaceships. :(