
Damn it. Stop supporting bad science reporting!! The study has nothing to do with flatulence besides the commonality of hydrogen sulfide. The PR office at Exeter spun it this way so the AP (and places like gawker) would pick it up. These scientists never claimed nor would they ever claim that farts cure cancer. As a

I smell a larger fleet of unpaid interns being brought on board.

Yeah, I think we need to strip away that first right. Parents shouldn't own their children to the extent that they can dramatically increase the kids' chances of dying at a young age. Not to mention the health risk to everyone they ever come in contact with.

And to be honest, you shouldn't have the right to not vaccinate your kid due to religious beliefs either.

"What would you like to call it instead?"

Domestic violence encompasses far more than just hitting people though. It's a cycle of abuse with many different manifestations. Throwing a can of beer at someone's feet might not sound like assault or battery, but in an abusive situation it can be terrifying. Simple acts of intimidation can slowly destroy people, to

The problem is that we call it "domestic violence" and tuck it away into it's own special little niche that somehow supposedly has different rules. If a man hits another man, it's assault and battery. If a man hits a woman related to him, it's "domestic violence". If a person on the street hears a loud argument

I disagree completely. I loved the game, don't get me wrong, but I think a lot of reviewers are trying to find some kind of deep meaning in this game to indicate that the choices mattered, when they in fact, did not.