
Take everything from Dragon Age Origins, take ONLY the combat from Dragon Age 2 and mash them together to make Dragon Age 3. In my opinion, the only thing really lacking in Dragon Age Origins was how they did combat, it was very clunky while DA2 was very fluid. That's the only thing DA2 did right, fluid combat rest

Haha, indeed.

I'm also curious what these "better first-person shooters" were.

Bioware = EA, so if Bioware is making money, EA is making money as they own the studio. I'd be a lot happier if they made a Mass Effect MMO.

I enjoyed the roided out Chris Redfield, went around Falcon Punching bitches, can't do that when not on roids!! Awful game, none-the-less.

Agreed, Dragon Age 2 was AWFUL!!! I ventured into Dragon Age 2 thinking it was going to be like Origins, no... Not even close.

Well, if you don't play the PC version, feel free to eject yourself from this discussion as the purpose of it and this article are entirely directed at that, silly troll.

I did say in a long time did I not? Maybe you like the same game over and over again with a different coating, months late to the PC market and DRM, but since it would appear I have higher standards I'm going to stick with my original opinion. They can skip the PC market, blame piracy (el oh el), but no one will

Would anyone REALLY care if Ubisoft stopped making PC games altogether? I sure as hell wouldn't. They haven't made a good game in a LONG time.

I was thinking that too... Sounds to me like he can't control himself.

With the console ported, bug/DRM ridden, lazy shit that's rated as a triple A title these days — I sure as hell going to pirate it first, buy later. I've wasted enough money on broken, garbage games and DRM telling me HOW/WHEN I CAN PLAY MY GAME. I can usually tell within the first 30 minutes if I'm going to like a

Judging by how many people are online, playing BF3(BF3stats) at this moment and cross referencing them to your chart which doesn't include digital downloads... I would peg the figures at:

1. Play Nord

All 3 look like shit.

PC: RAM, Video Card, CPU, Motherboard, Hard Drive, Network Card, Power Supply, OS

I don't see the point of this, the game will be cracked and pirated regardless of how hard the devs try to protect it. This is only hurting legitimate customers like yourself. I don't support DRM, I don't like a company telling me what I can and can't do with a product, I don't like being restricted so therefore it

Got to be the dumbest shit I've read all week, way to go.

Does EA hold a patent to italics?

Well said, give this man a star. I mean, a mother fucking star!!!

Well it's the 360 version after all, what did you expect?