That's a pretty spectacular feat and a gorgeous machine, but am I the only one who's nonplussed at the TIG beads on that intake box? Yikes.
That's a pretty spectacular feat and a gorgeous machine, but am I the only one who's nonplussed at the TIG beads on that intake box? Yikes.
@tonyola: I see what you did there, but I stand by my original point, which had nothing to do with whether or not I personally could afford to purchase the car.
@tonyola: If I had the money on hand, I *would* buy it. The fact that I can't afford it doesn't make my original post any less valid.
All of you candy-asses that keep adding up the supposed costs of the major systems here and claiming that the asking price is too high need to be kicked square in the balls. When was the last time you priced a Lunati roller camshaft (and related componentry)? Or plumbing in a new R-134 a/c system? Or the labor costs…
That's CGI, baby... Something about the reflections in a few spots doesn't look quite right.
Okay. I couldn't resist goading the seller via email. I'm anxiously awaiting his reply.
@kraftwerkjoe: Oh, I'm not denying that they're common issues, or that they'd keep me from buying the car, provided that the asking price was substantially lower!
Wait wait wait wait.
@Quattro-luvr: Stompers!!! I named my pickup "The Stomper" in their honor.
@GasGuzzler: Just remember one of basic tenets of the Progressive Credo: if your logic doesn't hold up, start in with the name-calling!
@milkplus: So not falling in lockstep with your abject praise for a Ford product makes me an internet troll?
@Commisar: Not currently. I sold my last one to buy a Volvo 240 wagon, but I'd love to have a 2002tii.
@gophur: Hahaha. Well said!
@milkplus: Wow. So because I'm less than impressed by Mustangs, I'm automatically an "elitist who values scarcity and prestige over function and value" and not an enthusiast?
Meh. No thanks.
@cesariojpn: Hey man... I'm all for a conscientiously-placed "fuck" in a well-written (or otherwise hilarious) post.