
I got Slime Rancher on the cheap in some Humble Bundle. I should probably fire it up at some point.

I guess since they’ve only sold 6+ million copies, they have to get a return on investment somehow.

People who use Twitter should post @gamestop #BoycottGamestopOnThanksgiving

In reality, it’ll be 20-30 people standing around waiting for a friend of a friend’s girlfriend to show up, then for the game to stop crashing long enough for them to start the raid.

He’s right, Fallout 4 is repugnant and morally indefensible.

I’ve decided to go be a fake piece of shit over on this other channel, I hope everyone comes along on my journey of discovery.

Common face of pool pee perpetrators.

I loved ME 1-3, but someone mentioned to me that this plays a lot like DA:Inquisition, and that was an immediate turn off, since that game felt like a single player MMO, overly filled with useless side content intended as a way to grind to make it through the main stuff. I’m super tempted, but I’m going to pass I

I loved ME 1-3, but someone mentioned to me that this plays a lot like DA:Inquisition, and that was an immediate



Fallout New Vegas 3 confirmed.

No local co-op unfortunately.

Getting my copy on PSVR today, can’t wait. Huge Trekkie back in the day, but haven’t had much to get excited about with Star Trek in years. I’m excited about this.

KF2 is awesome, hopefully people take this opportunity to jump in. Great coop experience.

Man, I love Dan, and that says a lot, because when he first started at GB, I hated Dan.

Bruce Campbell should play Dandelion.

Good stuff.

This is devastating, Hitman was my favorite game of 2016, a true return to form after Absolution. I was waiting with bated breath to drop $60 on Season 2 as soon as they announced it was coming, now to find out it’s not, damn.

I picked up an Nvidia Shield about a month ago, and I gotta admit, Nvidia’s streaming tech is a level above Valve’s right now, at least as far as the Link is concerned. No artifacting, full 4k/60fps to my LG 70" 4K HDR, it’s literally 10x the price of this Link, tho, so I can’t recommend if JUST for PC streaming. It

I picked up an Nvidia Shield about a month ago, and I gotta admit, Nvidia’s streaming tech is a level above Valve’s