“They looked fucking cool”, says Johnny V, also known as anonymous.
“They looked fucking cool”, says Johnny V, also known as anonymous.
Oculus and Facebook putting Rifts in stores ahead of backers getting theirs, not to mention the thousands who are waiting after fighting to get one pre-ordered on launch day, is a slap in the face to consumers. Palmer Luckey should be ashamed, but instead he hides behind bullshit pleasantries and the promise of free…
That’s a shame, I love the game, and haven’t had this happen, but I’m a pretty casual Souls player by the standards of their core audience, if this happened and I got banned, I would be beyond pissed.
Tropico 5 is a great game, people should try it out and not be limited by their self-imposed biases when it comes to games that aren’t presented in the 1st/3rd person pew pew shoot shit variety.
There’s always one.
Tell that to AMD GPU owners.
What a mess, it’s a shame MS and Phil has had a good line when it comes to PC gaming (again), but then you see games like Gears and QB come out on the Windows Store, and have all sorts of problems. QB and Gears have essentially been sent out to die on the W10 store, no visibility, and the people who do know they’re…
I heard if you pirate this game it will run like shit.
The game came out late 2014, just short of a year after the XB1 launched. In the first 3 weeks, the game sold just over 300k at retail, and didn’t enjoy any sort of slow burn sales wise.
I’d totally pull Marcy’s brain out and put it in a robot. head, and then take that robot head out and launch it into the lake next to Sanctuary Hills.
Sunset OD must have really tanked sales wise if it’s already on the GWG altar. Damned shame, game is one of the best to come out this generation.
Yeah, I already have the camera and 2 Move controllers. No core bundle in the US is a straight up finger to U.S. consumers. Good job Sony.
Sure you will, Bill.
Just add it to the list.
But does it subtract from the overall experience?
You might say in The Division in-game trolling has multiplied.
The ultimate prequel to Far Cry 4.
That solution is going to be a killer for people with bandwidth caps on their internet usage.
Hey I took this picture while I was on vacation.