Yeah, uh, I had a pre-order of MGSV.
Yeah, uh, I had a pre-order of MGSV.
I can pop any single player game I have on the PS4 in the drive and play it offline as long as the PS4 is working, sure, they could patch it to be unplayable, but I could just delete that patch and play it anyway. There is no licensing option for a disc copy of something like Far Cry 4 that would cause me to not be…
It’s a bummer than Konami is being so weird about all of this, but I got my fill of P.T. back when it came out. I didn’t bother to re-dl it when I swapped out my 500GB with a 2TB drive in my PS4, so now I’m SOL if I want to play it again regardless.
Being made by RoboModo, so
I dunno, I rarely mingle with top grade celebrities, usually just characters from shows on the CW.
The Witcher 3 comes out a week before this. There’s 200+ hours of game there, so while I appreciate the late scraps from the DLC pile, no thanks.
Would you say they’re all spent?
Now that Notch is richer than the Greek and Christian gods all combined, has he offered to pony up for Psychonauts 2 yet?
I prefer GLOW, the Gorgeous Ladies of Wrestling.
It’s good to see the more profits Valve makes, the more responsibility they push off to 3rd parties. Makes it a lot easier for end users to run in circles to deal with problems.
Cannot wait, Day One.
Pay What You Want ($4.99 minimum)
The rubbish mod description has made me laugh so hard I’ve started to cry. So good.
Early access paid mods even.
Looks like the creators only get 25% of the cut on sales, which means Steam and Bethesda are taking 75% of whatever someone pays for a mod. That alone is dirty as hell, and will likely end up in mod makers hiking up the pricing on their stuff to increase their 1/4 piece of the pie.
People shouldn’t pre-order games. That’s the lesson here.
When Les Stroud travels to N. Korea for Survivorman:Kim Jong-un, all will be revealed.