If you'd played a game over Shareplay at all, you'd know something like Advanced Warfare MP would serviceable at best over it, the technology is running at a max 720p at 30fps, so while you can get a taste of what gameplay will be like, if you have any interest in pursuing it at all, it's actually going to work as a…
It's a great feature, I actually sold a couple of friends on buying Diablo 3 on the PS4 when it first started working by letting them play D3 with me over Shareplay, and a friend let me run a few Driveclub races on his PS4 using it, and I'm more interested now as a result. Not saying it would be some sort of selling…
I can't watch, it's not the new 60fps Youtube format.
Bungie in damage control mode with a game consisting of a woefully inadequate amount of content in the base game, now compounding the insult by selling a $20 expansion pack with less 1/10th of the $60 game.
So it's not until it negatively affects Xbox owners that it "needs to end"?
You can also just download a free app called Flawless Widescreen which will automatically remove the bars and make a few more fixes to TEW, as well as several dozen other games that have random aspect ratio and other issues. I highly recommend it.
I had to mess around with the powerline adapters in my apartment to get the Remote Play where I wanted it performance wise. I rotated through roughly a dozen different power outlets until I found the 2 that reached pretty closely to my PS4 and my office, where I sat up the PSTV, to get a worthwhile, persistent…
It's too early for 'Squirtle' to show up in my Twitter feed, Kotaku.
Wait, can you not haul the PSTV outside of your home and stream to it, like to a hotel room with good internet?
The GTA 5 girl doesn't look anything like a washed up cokehead celebrity trying to remain relevant.
They should have said something way earlier about the Plus version instead of lying to people most of the night with "It's coming in the next hour!" and shit like that.
It's okay, since playing Shadow of Mordor a second time will likely still be more fun than playing Unity once.