
Watch Dogs runs like garbage on the PC, avoid it like the plague for any price. If you're going to get it, get the PS4/XB1 versions, which don't look as nice, but are more reliable performance wise.

Watched a little of his feed, it's pretty crazy how skilled he is in WoW with that controller setup. Subscribed, will definitely check him out again sometime when I'm not at work.

No interest in football, soccer, basketball, or almost any other pro sports, but I'm a huge lacrosse fan, both box and field. I helped to try and Kickstart this when Sunseri tried the first time and then went in on it when he hit Indie Go Go. Excited that he succeeded in reaching his goal this time around. Can't wait

Yep, them Legos.

Good to hear they'll be cutting the 360/PS3 cord in 2015.

That's fine, Yoshi is a horrible character and deserves to be beaten.

Half the bumper cars at Mineorama are broken anyway.

I would love to be a fly on the wall to hear the backroom conversations between MS and Square after the backlash yesterday over this. Sad thing is, MS actually had some pretty cool stuff at their show, but it will be overshadowed by one dick move that probably ended up hurting them more than helping.

Every Sims game since the first one has had pools, on much lesser hardware.

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Do I need to play it at 900p on the PC to get the full artistic vision?

$60 is the wrong price for this given that it's been free on PS Plus as well as Games for Gold at some point. It sounds like this is just a straight up-res of the original game, it would sell a ton of copies at $29.99 as a budget re-release, but as a full price new release, I hope it does horribly. Square Enix needs

Kickstarted this, can't wait for my boxed copy with cloth map :).

A quarter for 2k8? Damn playa.

One of the hardest question of our generation: Black or white?

Finally, something to do on ...


Another day, another overly sensitive internet contingent bitching about movie posters.

Apparently the theater audience also got to see a special scene after the cameras went off. A few descriptions from Gaf;

Thought it was a great summer popcorn flick.