
Wow, that's a bunch of bullshit.

Market value is $90.

My TV has a wide variety of Picture-In-Picture functionality that I have never used beyond the first time I unboxed it. The idea of watching TV while I play a game seems right up there with putting a TV on my dashboard to watch movies while I drive. This is one of those things that I wonder about beyond the initial

What is this, Nelson, business on the outside, party on the inside? Reversible John Travolta cosplay shirt?

More zombies than Dead Rising 3 confirmed.

Anybody dizzy from all the 180s yet?


Other than the giant Gimmick that has to be hooked up to actually use the controller, the Kinect.

I support all criticizing of Gamestop. Thumbs up to you, sir.

Gamestop scamming customers by hiking prices on exclusive product?

I don't really care about the battery vs rechargeable debate, but I've been running the 2 DS3 controllers I got with my launch PS3 since the beginning, and they both still charge like a champ. I also use eneloops in my 360 controllers and they've been great. Having said that, if MS really wanted to give people "the

EA has bastardized the PvZ franchise, shocker. I totally expect the same from Peggle 2.

Insert monies here.

At least there's a free game here.

It's like Sony is running Microsoft now.

Crazy Jeff Gerstmann, always trying to get into Arstotzka.

My son inherited my 1st gen N7, he's already carrying it with him everywhere, lol.

I bought a Vita, but I don't use Skype on it since MS/NSA/PRISM.

I've had my new N7 for about a week, and it is truly a beautiful thing, even going from the original N7 to this. Just waiting for Zagg to start shipping a screen protector and Amazon to ship my Poetic Slimline case for it, and I'll be a happy camper.

Pretty soon the only thing free on an XBO will be the option to buy XBL Gold.