
So it’s not a new character with a new ability? Then why sell it double,triple,or quadruple the price of one new costume of a character in almost any game?

I think the guy who was doing the teabagging was trying to get the trophy. In MKX there is a trophy when you pull off 30 crouches in the Fatality state.
Do, I will agree spamming the three hit combo is crap. At least it wasn’t Jason.

No Gods or Kings, just LEGO!!!

Look, Konami is shutting down after MGS5.

The weird thing is that I do sometimes see Megaman and Sonic. Must be a region thing.

I thought Joe was on a partnership program for Polaris or Machinima?
Anyway, I think Joe shouldn’t have made a pissy rant about it, and gone like Jim Sterling with just a cool head, but foul-mouthed, rant about the situation.


So how badly will this be botched?
Seriously, almost all their video game episodes(which I can remember were basically 3) are botched messes creating more stigmas than they should. On the other hand, ok actors have come out of them...Like Scarecrow.

Hey Arnold had a diverse cast that sometimes dealt with diverse cultures like Harold's Judism, or Phoebes mixed family. Kenan and Kel was fun, All That was great, Taina was alright, and they had shows like freaking EL TIGRE!!!
I get Ren and Stimpy, but it wasn't glorious, I love Rocko more....and Rocko's voice was

Oh cool, are they the new new 3ds?
No, ok.....Just gonna not give a fudge.

Seriously Nintendo, why release these suckers without the upgraded versions?
I also understand holiday season, but it is bullshit.

Yeah, my co-worker did security for them this year, and she gets annoyed as well(and she is a fucking fan of the show).
But let's be clear, every con has those people. If you can't walk away from them, then just find a distraction.

I think the whole hastag thing is stupid, as well as giving unconfirmed info is dangerous, but showing pics of what is actually happening(as well as recording it) is a great step to see how the popular media has failed us.

Welp, time to create a lawsuit.

This reminds me of the story of the dude who lost his mom to cancer, and went playing Animal Crossing a few months later.
There he found a ton of items that his mom collected for him before she passed away.
I can't find the comic, but it gives you the same feels as this.

Wait, so is gamestop going to be funding some of the games that possibly will have exclusive things? Cause that is the only way I am thinking that a company will go and say yes to besides dlc and skins, which later get released.

Fuck Harmony Gold, fuck Harmony Gold, and Fuck Harmony Gold.
Fuckers had this license for so long, and they do shit(nothing) and shit(really bad work) with it.
I am still bitching about a full frontier set!
Is there a way we could kickstart a way to get the license from them and give it to a company that would use it?

Weird how she knows the temperature......

It was cool seeing this in real life at Puerto Rico Comicon, here is a pic with Elsa.