
Fahey, you need an intervention.*Grabs bat*

"That's why I watch proper gamer's at EVO".

So they are going to try to age the twinkie into alcohol?....Very sneaky,but I approve.

I have played with Commando (Turrets) and Mechromancer (Deathtrap), and I have enjoyed both of them.

Seems like a Brick style character.


I don't know about that.

Now with the haunting Torgo theme.....Man, that MST3K episode is a classic....and the movie does suck, but at least it isn't Birdemic.


I actualy began liking Aquaman thanks to Brightest Day.....Google it.

I have seen most of the new toys up close and I am really disapointed, I thought they would be more comparable to the Beast Wars toys instead of weird repaints with additional spikes*looks at Soundwave again*....Yep.

I like it, plus characters have Jade shields and I am ok with it.

Tha fooockk?

I just really hope they translated the pirate themed rangers correctly....What? Those were badass Sentai.

So Optimus was always a truck?

I have read your letter before(I follow your kick ass art) and kinda understand the full intent of Hasbro.

I understand that if they gain moolah.

I understand that it can harm the image, but the show has already presented the characters fighting against each other, and doing "violent" things that the game has just mirrored a bit(even if some of the moves are more aggressive than what the show has present, it is still on equal foot....Exploding Pinkie pies and

I understand that, but what's the difference between this and someone posting wave after wave of "Clopper Art" on public sites with no age restrictions in which Hasbro doesn't stop the "Artist"?

But technically this is fan art.