


To the man dressed as the Joker.....I really not gonna ride that train *jumps off*.

Man, I remember my first ships:

Please, for the love of Gundam, don't make this realm a FF7 clone.

My only problems with the movie were:

Under the plausible knife and mental controlled armor.....nanites.....Extremis?

Feels like Kung Fu- Hussle meets the Host.....*throws money at it*

What a missed oppertunity it is since Disney doesn't have the rights to Power Rangers anymore.

The Street Shark toys were so great!

Penguins....Definitely a master race of penguins.

No es esa, por el Tunel de Minilla(dije Arpe por error).

Damn, that was really good.

Did he make every prior model gold?

I am going easy on this.

The guy is called Rogelio Figueroa, but I can't find the poster online.

You know what is funny about this article?

In the site he was explaining that the free to play people would severely get cut from things that technicaly they shouldn't be cut from(fast travel and equiping strong loot).

No, it's not supposed to be family friendly.
