
Women in Refrigerators........Yeah, Leena didn't die that extremely(or she didn't die in a throw away).

Oh man, WALLY!!!!

If Ozy from Watchmen was technically a full on hero, he would count for the list.

Well, Barry and Zoom.

I saw this Discovery documentary about Mars that told about a possibility in which a massive Asteroid could have scrapped some chunks of the planet and sent them to Earth.

No OMAC, Animal Man, or Swamp Thing?....Aww....Anyway, Would be cool to use some of the New 52 plotlines for miniseries things.

As long as it doesn't turn into an Assblaster....Fine with it.

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I am glad that the TMNT theme is back....buuuuut, it could have been better worked out(check this Gravity Falls rap).

I bought some of them and they look really nice(but I am a fan of Splinter design).

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Why the hell do I get a Fire Marshall Bill vibe?

How is this not an animated short produced by the WB, HOW?!?!?

What about that Starship Troopers show?.......Nevermind....

DK2 and Kingdom Come have had Superman and Wonder Woman have a kid.

The whole mom thing was kinda meh for me, but still ok.

Starsaber.....Hmm......Wait, are they gonna insert minicons now?

Last Guardian canned, or nothing at all...nothing at all...nothing at all.

Isn't Fix it Felix the Mario and Wreck it, Donkey Kong?........

Carrie and Kick Ass 2......Man, she is woring with more blood than a cheap(er) Grindhouse flick.

That's too far Loki fan-girls......Too far.

Call Cinema Snob.....JUST DO IT!!!