I would just say " Do you know annyone named Gort, the Doctor, or Optimus Prime"and my actions will depend on their answer.
I would just say " Do you know annyone named Gort, the Doctor, or Optimus Prime"and my actions will depend on their answer.
Our Sentai who are in Haven
Didn't PAX(Penny Arcade Expo) had an incident were a dude flashed a girl in one of the parties and security didn't even call the cops(I think it was in Kotaku).
As a kid, watching Unsolved Mysteries and Sightings kept my mind open to UFO stories and made me crap my pants each time I heard their theme songs.
This needs more Yakety Sax.....MORE!!!!!!
Let's be real for one sec.
Wonder Teen......Donna Troy?
So in the future we will become Brainiac.....Or basicaly Brainiac 5......Depending on the timeline.
Ah, my love for animatronics and puppet monsters.
Seen it, next.
Oh God, please let it not be Brother's Grimm 2....PLEASE!!!!
So I am guessing they took away their fish?
First of, congrats on the your win.
Rush, that shall be his name......I REGRET NOTHING!!!!
So each post Charlie will do will start with "HUGO AWARD WINNING CHARLIE JANE ANDERS!!!!"?
I think the ending was great, but hte episode felt flat with the whole plausabilities they could have had with the "mad" Daleks.
The first part of the Green Lantern season was meh for me.....Until Mogo.....OH THIS GONNA BE GOOD!